Inspired by shape and health

Inspired by shape and health

Wednesday 17 December 2014


What goes in must come out...or not!!

We are all aware of that age old saying 'a moment on the hips is a life time on the hips..' I'm not so sure I agree though. I'm learning as I stride through my thirties (very carefully) that taking the time to indulge once in a while does not have to cost you heavily. Its not an easy road but think of it like this:

* who is as sweet as
* weekends can be split in two, first half for indulging and the second for burning that stuff off.
*The most important feeling is the one that lifts you from your bed every morning - I know in winter its like dragging a ten stone ball out of bed but with the right foods it can be easier than you think.

It would be nice to breakdown our food intake so we look more like this;
 as we embark onto 2015 and embrace all that the media have to throw at us about looking great and feeling good. There are a few women who look amazing but don't feel it, as they say it pays to look good. How can we make a change for the better but also FEEL like we are casually strutting down our high street in a comfy onezie!! Here it goes:

*Pay attention to the material in a garment; there are so many fantastic tops that flatter us no-end with that great jersey feel. It can contour our shape but also relieve the areas that just can't be held in for too long.....especially after that strawberry tart, woops!!

Fabrics can be our best friend but as pointed out earlier treating your body like a temple is the only way you can be sure to look absolutely fabulous.

*Get down to your local one pound shop and invest in a jug you can keep at work on your desk or a flask that fits into your bag. Asda do all shapes and sizes. Ensuring that you drink at least a litre a day will mean less time hunting for that cream that will never really make your skin as firm as they promise.

*Vitamins are also great; make sure you get all the right ones you need, click here for a site that breaks them all down so its not like your lunch becomes a feast of pills.

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