Inspired by shape and health

Inspired by shape and health

Friday 26 December 2014

Inner Healing

So you look great on the outside but does this reflect how you feel on the inside? What are the usual elements that contribute to this:


* Lack of self worth 
*Feeling incomplete                  
*Lack of Confidence

As women we have already been branded to either be empowered or to be weak and both these descriptions hardly summarise us in our completeness. Individuality is lost when it comes to summing up a woman. What happened to any middle ground?!!

Where can self assurance be rooted from, and even if we have it Wednesday afternoon are we guaranteed to keep hold of it till the following week, I'm not so sure. Working through my own personal development has produced a number of outlets and experiences that I would love to share...after all its better to share and build up than to break down;

*Affirmations: Use affirmations and turn them into to habits. Statistically if you do or say something everyday (a few times a day) for more than six weeks your more likely to hold on to that 'thing' and keep it going as a habit and way of life. Habits are often seen in a negative light but remove this from your mind on this occasion, we should be building great habits in life to best improve ourselves.

If you affirm (speak out) on something each day the mind works to develop a recall of ownership on that habit. 'I am a smart and fulfilling individual with unique talents'. Speaking such profound words daily gives amazing results, should you not already see yourself as unique and smart?, well we cant go looking back now....lets move forward with this.

Speaking affirmations as much as you can makes your mind slow down its thought process; giving you a chance to think and as a result your spoken word becomes clear, confident, smart and significant in its content. You begin to speak and BELIEVE!

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